Friday, March 25, 2011

Claim Your Peaceful Power for Confidence, Inner Peace and Unstoppable Success

Are you lacking confidence and courage to succeed?

Do you sabotage your own success?

Best-selling author and mindful wellness expert Hueina Su shares her 3-R process to eliminate the root cause of your stress and self-sabotage, claim your Peaceful Power so you will be calm, centered & confident for unstoppable success, long-lasting inner peace and true happiness.

Hueina Su, MS, BSN, CEC, is a renowned expert in helping people restore the missing peace and balance in their stressful lives.  Su is a Mindful Wellness Expert, certified life coach, keynote speaker, and the best-selling author of Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul: 7 Keys to Nurture Yourself While Caring for Others. She is on a mission to empower one million women nurturers to nurture themselves and create a life of their choice.

To sign up for free stress management video e-course and learn more about Su’s coaching, keynote speaking, training services and products visit

Now, turn up the speaker volume and watch the video...

Video Link:

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